Senior Home Care Archives - Royalty Care
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Pain Awareness for Seniors

Pain Awareness for Seniors

Although we all are familiar with pain, and chronic pain can be considered a normal part of life, it is important to recognise worsening pain, new pain or pain that needs to be given medical attention. This blog post will review the steps for recognising pain and how...
Skin Care Tips for Older Adults

Skin Care Tips for Older Adults

Skin covers our entire body. It is our first line of defence from everything we encounter, from weather to bacteria, to cuts, burns and everything else that assaults our skin daily. Sadly, our skin loses elasticity, strength, and resistance as we age. But fear not! We...
Seniors Dental Health

Seniors Dental Health

We all know that your health and well-being are important at any stage in life. However, how important your dental health is can often be something adults neglect. Forgetting to brush here and there or avoiding flossing and mouthwash together. But it is vital to...