Recovery at Home - Royalty Care
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Recovery at Home

Recovery at Home

One of the most difficult times for anyone is during a recovery time at home because of injury, illness, surgery or hospital stay. Anyone who has personally experienced, supported or knows of someone trying to recover at home are aware of the assistance required during surgery recovery, usually for a short period of time.

Our RECOVERY AT HOME PROGRAM is available to those in the Barrie area requiring assistance during recovery. You can choose from one of our predetermined packages or ad-hoc services to suit your needs.

Some of the services we are happy to provide during recovery at home include;

  • Meal planning and preparation
  • Light housekeeping
  • Putting out garbage and recycling
  • Groceries picked up/ put away
  • Laundry
  • Making beds
  • Changing sheets and linens
  • Assistance with pet care
  • Watering plants
  • Collecting mail

We understand that when you are in the hospital there are still things that need done around your house. We can help with watering the plants, pet care, getting your mail, taking out the trash.

Some surgical procedures may also require an anesthetic. It is a hospital requirement for anyone having anesthetic must have 24-hour supervision by a competent person following any anesthetic.

Royalty Care can also provide that companionship for the 24-hours or until such time as a suitable person is able to provide the balance of the 24-hour supervision period. *

We can arrange for transportation to and from the surgical appointment, staff will remain onsite during the procedure, returning home with you after the procedure and remaining until for the 24-hour postanesthetic period or suitable person arrives. **CSS release will need completed by client and suitable person for balance of 24-hour supervision period.

Royalty Care can support day surgeries locally or out of town.

Give us a call at 705-725-1600 to discuss your specific needs or for a quote.