Health Watch Programs - Royalty Care
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Health Watch Programs

Medication Reminders & Health Watch Program

Medication routines can become increasingly complex as we get older. We help our clients with our medication reminders & health watch programs when it comes to reading labels, opening containers and safe administration. We also make trips to the pharmacy with our clients or just collect if required.

Helpful medication hints

  • Have medications blister packed at the pharmacy
  • Use a pill box you can fill once a week with spaces for all the times you need to take pills
  • Keep the medication on the counter or a place you can easily see it
  • Take pills combined with a daily task such as a meal or bedtime snacks so it becomes a habit.
  • Set an alarm clock to go off at medication times
  • We can plan our visits to coincide with medication times

Health Watch Service

This service offers families the peace of mind that their senior loved one is safe and doing well. We can send the family an update if all is well and we will report immediately if we notice any concerns.