Resilience: Finding New Ways for the Every Day Challenges - Royalty Care
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In today’s modern society with the advances in technology, health care, and our general awareness of best practices to stay healthy – did we EVER think that the world population would be brought to its knees the way that COVID-19 pandemic has done?

Covid-19 has disrupted our daily routine and how we go about accomplishing our every day tasks — and we have all found ways to adapt to the new ways of life.

Our Care Team at Royalty Care has continually adapted to the changing best practices, protocols and guidelines given by the Ministry of Health, our local Governments, as well as Provincial and Federal Governments.

The restrictions and changes have presented new and different challenges for everyone, especially with the ability to assist our loved ones.  Many family members are unable to visit, assist or care for loved ones within the current Ministry of Health guidelines, leaving their loved ones further at risk.

In the Barrie area, Royalty Care can provide essential support to those needing assistance to maintain daily routines and regular tasks – like grocery shopping, errands, light housekeeping, companionship and meal prep. Our staff adhere to the current Ministry of Health Guidelines, including regular COVID-19 testing.

Let us assist you and your family in providing support during these unprecedented times of a pandemic so that your loved one can stay safe in their resident of choice.