Senior Service Checklist | Royalty Care
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What do we do?  That is a great question and one we get asked regularly.  In short, we provide life-enriching supports that assist individuals to preserve an independent and dignified lifestyle in the comfort of the residence of their choice.

Navigating the jungle of health care requirements can be a confusing and daunting task, this is even worse in times of crisis.  Royalty Care is a great place to start figuring out what your options are.

So, what services do we provide? Well, let’s start with our checklist.  You can use this list to give you ideas of what you may need assistance with, and to formulate what your specific needs may be.  We can then tailor our services to meet your requirements. While we do help with a lot of items, there are services that we cannot provide – like grass cutting, snow removal and window cleaning, to mention a few.

Royalty Care Checklist

    • Companionship
    • Personal Care
    • Surgery Recovery Program
    • Meal Preparation
    • Pet care and mail pickup
    • Alzheimer & Dementia Support
    • Accompaniment to doctors’ appointments
    • Shopping and Errands
    • Medication Reminders
    • Assistance with Walking/Exercising
    • Respite & Palliative Care


  • Available 24/7

What is it that you are looking for assistance with? If it’s not on our list – ASK US, WE CAN HELP – if not with the specific task, we will do our best to let you know who can.