Senior Driving Services in Barrie | Royalty Care
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When my grandfather was unable to renew his driver’s license last year due to medical reasons, he became a bit of a hermit.  He began to refuse invitations to events and even stopped attending Sunday Mass. His overall outlook on life became very depressing.  For many of us, a driver’s license is equivalent to independence and freedom, and who wants to lose that?

Unfortunately, family members are not always easily available on a day to day basis. One solution would be to rely on taxi cabs and driving services, like Uber, to get you from point A to point B.  This may work for the younger population, but can be frightening or overwhelming to our senior population. Asking for help or having to rely on someone else to drive you somewhere doesn’t have to be a daunting task!

Instead, make the transport experience more personal, friendly and reliable!  Senior driving services are a great way to get your grocery shopping done, or make it to that doctor’s appointment.  By employing a senior driving service, you can easily get from one place to the other with someone that you can get to know and trust.  Most senior driving services are coupled with senior companionship services, and that makes all the difference to the individual in need.

My grandfather has gotten to the point in his life where he needs travel assistance.  Having to juggle school, work and home life with two active kids, makes it difficult for me to always be there for him.  We are fortunate enough to have senior driving services available in his area! When I can’t be there to drive him, they can be!

At Royalty Care, we offer Senior Driving Services based on yours or your loved one’s needs!  We offer a variety of services that complement our driving services, such as companionship services, medication reminders, and advocacy.  We are able to fill the gaps in yours or your loved one’s overall care. Our staff is warm, friendly and fully prepared to assist with any situation.  We don’t consider ourselves just a transport system — we are companions!

Whether it be the mall, the doctor’s office, the salon or a special event, our senior driving service can get you there.  Oh, the places you will go… with Royalty Care!